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book report

Book report : << Crime and Punishment>> The philosophical message conveyed by the author through ethical dilemmas and deep contemplation of human nature

by radiantodyssey 2024. 1. 25.

The philosophical message conveyed by the author through 
ethical dilemmas and deep contemplation of human nature






  Crime and Punishment is one of the masterpieces by the renowned Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky, first published in 1866. Dealing with societal and moral issues of Russian society at the time, it delves into philosophical explorations of human nature and sin. Through this work, Dostoevsky examines the themes of punishment and sin, conveying reflections on the complexity of human psychology and moral choices.


  • Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov: The protagonist of the novel, a young university student with a genius intellect and a solitary nature. He commits a crime based on his unique beliefs derived from his theory of crime, leading to a tumultuous conflict of emotions and guilt.
  • Sonya Marmeladov: The daughter of the drunken ex-businessman Marmeladov, she symbolizes hope for love and mercy as she aids Raskolnikov. Her presence represents redemption and humanity's hope in the novel.
  • Marmeladov: A former businessman leading a dissolute life of alcoholism, who, through his encounter with Raskolnikov, confesses his sins and expresses his last hope for his family. His story is a crucial part emphasizing the theme of crime and punishment.
  • Arkady Svidrigailov: A wealthy man living without moral standards or remorse, seeking revenge for Raskolnikov's crime. His appearance intensifies the philosophical conflict of crime and punishment and highlights the darkness of human nature.
  • Porfiry Petrovich: The investigating police officer probing into Raskolnikov's case, who endeavors to solve the case using his intellect and psychological insights. His character serves to demonstrate the interplay of justice and sin in the novel.
  • Pulcheria Alexandrovna Raskolnikov: Raskolnikov's mother, engaged to Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin. Her presence accentuates the social conflict and issues between the upper and lower classes.

Plot Summary

  Crime and Punishment explores societal and moral issues in Russia, delving into philosophical inquiries about human nature and sin. The protagonist of this novel is Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, a university student with a brilliant mind and a solitary personality. He devises a plan to commit murder, aiming to acquire the wealth of a wealthy individual based on his unique views on crime.

  However, after committing the crime, Raskolnikov is tormented by guilt and inner turmoil. The novel revolves around his inner conflict and psychological anguish, as he grapples with the consequences of his actions. Through Raskolnikov's journey to find his dignity and moral compass amidst societal scrutiny and influence, the author raises questions about human nature, morality, and dignity.

  Dostoevsky receives considerable attention not only for his exploration of human nature and morality but also for his philosophical insights. The psychological warfare within Raskolnikov's psyche following his crime prompts deep reflection on sin, punishment, and moral choices for readers. By portraying various characters and their transformations in response to circumstances and environments, Dostoevsky immerses readers into their inner worlds, inviting contemplation of his characters' thoughts and actions.

  The novel leaves room for interpretation by not offering clear solutions or definitive conclusions, thereby allowing readers the space to contemplate. While Raskolnikov's fate may suggest some moral lessons, the author deliberately prompts readers to reflect on their own thoughts and behaviors.




  It wasn't an easy read. Perhaps because it's an old novel, the style and trends don't quite match today's standards. Nevertheless, Crime and Punishment, hailed as a classic, presented me with a plethora of philosophical insights and deep explorations of human psyche throughout the work, evoking various thoughts and emotions as I read.

  One of the greatest strengths of this novel lies in the author's writing skill. With its tense narrative, complex character portrayals, and rich vocabulary, the work constantly immersed me in its world. Particularly, the protagonist, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, depicted his inner conflict and emotional fluctuations so delicately that it resonated deeply with me, evoking profound empathy and contemplation.
  Reading this work, I found inspiration not only in its philosophical exploration of human nature and moral conflicts but also in its depiction of Raskolnikov's psychological warfare following his crime. The author prompts deep contemplation on human's dark side and moral choices through this inner turmoil. By showcasing how individuals can change based on circumstances and environments, the author naturally drew me into their inner worlds, prompting contemplation of their thoughts and actions.

  Besides, the work also contained critiques of societal class and moral standards. As Raskolnikov attacks the wealthy bourgeoisie, the author critically highlights societal inequality and cruelty. Various characters like Marmeladov, Sonya, and Porfiry represent Dostoevsky's critical perspective through their social positions and ideologies, allowing readers to gain deep insights into the darker aspects of society.
 Of course, one should not expect clear solutions or happy endings after reading the work. Instead, the author deliberately leaves ambiguity to allow readers space for contemplation. While Raskolnikov's plight may suggest some moral lessons, readers are prompted to reflect on their own thoughts and behaviors.

  Crime and Punishment is not only a literary masterpiece but also a work rich in philosophical contemplation of societal and moral issues. Reading the book, one experiences various emotions and thoughts, which is why it continues to be read and studied worldwide. It offers readers deep insights into life, morality, and human nature, cementing Dostoevsky's legacy as a masterful explorer of human psyche through his exceptional literary talent.


  The work prompts readers to question the contradictory nature of humanity and the changing moral standards depending on the circumstances through philosophical exploration of human nature and ethics. Through Rodion's story, the author encourages readers to introspect and deeply contemplate their own inner selves, actions, and moral choices. Moreover, the work contains critiques of social inequality and moral standards, allowing readers to observe the darker aspects of society and gain a critical perspective on social issues through various characters besides Rodion. This adds more value to the work as it goes beyond a simple crime novel to address deep thoughts on real-life issues.

  By leaving uncertainty and ambiguity without offering clear solutions or a definite ending, the author provides readers with room for contemplation. While Rodion's fate may suggest some moral lessons, the author intentionally prompts readers to reflect on their own thoughts and actions. Ultimately, Crime and Punishment serves as a literary masterpiece that offers readers profound insights into life, morality, and human nature. The author's philosophical reasoning and literary prowess continue to be highly regarded even after many years. This work provides readers with deep contemplation on life, ethics, and human nature, solidifying Fyodor Dostoevsky's legacy as an outstanding author remembered in literary history.