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The Great Gatsby: The moral and ethical corruption behind material abundance of the American Dream "The Great Gatsby" is a classic American novel published by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1925, exploring themes of wealth, love, and moral decay. The protagonist, Gatsby, pursues wealth but finds himself trapped in endless desires and emptiness, leading to a tragic outcome. The novel depicts the rise and fall of American society in the 1920s, offering a critical perspective on the American Dream. Intr.. 2024. 2. 17.
The Count of Monte Cristo: The Meaning Behind the Gratifying Revenge Drama(The plot and rich reviews) "The Count of Monte Cristo" is one of Alexandre Dumas's masterpieces, a sprawling epic that delves into themes of revenge and destiny. The story revolves around the protagonist's quest for vengeance, offering constant tension and intrigue. Rich characters and intricate plots immerse readers in a world of battles, emotions, and desires. Over the years, this novel has remained beloved among reader.. 2024. 2. 3.
Moby Dick: Our Tragic Epic Against Fear(The plot and rich reviews) "Moby Dick" is a monumental classic by Herman Melville, serving as a quintessential American novel. Set against the backdrop of whaling in the early 19th century, it intricately weaves the tale of Captain Ahab's obsessive quest for vengeance against the legendary white whale, Moby Dick. Drawing from Melville's own experiences at sea, the novel delves into themes of obsession, fate, and the human.. 2024. 2. 2.
The Sorrows of Young Werther : the complexities of unrequited love and its impact on the human psyche A poignant tale of unrequited love and the human psyche, this Gothic novel captivates with its timeless tale and profound impact Introduction Summary Review Final Thoughts Introduction I read a deeply poignant tale of unrequited love. Even after reading it, there's a lingering sense of beauty and melancholy. It's astonishing how this novel, 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' by Goethe, over 200 year.. 2024. 1. 28.