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The Great Gatsby: The moral and ethical corruption behind material abundance of the American Dream "The Great Gatsby" is a classic American novel published by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1925, exploring themes of wealth, love, and moral decay. The protagonist, Gatsby, pursues wealth but finds himself trapped in endless desires and emptiness, leading to a tragic outcome. The novel depicts the rise and fall of American society in the 1920s, offering a critical perspective on the American Dream. Intr.. 2024. 2. 17.
THE GOD DELUSION : Explore the Hidden Human Nature and Values Behind the Name 'God' A thought-provoking critique of religion's societal impact and a compelling argument for skepticism towards established beliefs. Introduction summary Impressive phrases Review Final thoughts Introduction Since Darwin's theory of evolution was presented, creationism seemed to lose its rational basis. However, by accepting scientific rationality, creationism promotes intelligent design, thus maint.. 2024. 1. 29.
Book report : Lord of the Flies (The nature of beasts and the essence of humanity,fear resides not in the external but within us) " Lord of the Flies " delves into the essence of beasts and human nature, revealing that fear resides within us, not in the external world. Introduction Characters Plot Summary The story explores the true nature of beasts and humans, suggesting that fear originates from within rather than from external sources. Impressions This tale offers a profound reflection on the interplay between human nat.. 2024. 1. 26.