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essays/welfare for the elderly

Discussing the issue of elderly suicide, and describing solutions from the perspective of social welfare

by radiantodyssey 2024. 1. 30.

The problem of elderly suicide is a complex and pressing issue that requires attention from various sectors, including social welfare. Elderly individuals often face unique challenges that contribute to feelings of isolation, depression, and hopelessness, increasing their risk of suicide. To address this issue effectively, several social welfare measures can be implemented.


I. Introduction

II. Main Body

  1. Challenges of Aging and Social Issues
  2. Causes of Elderly Suicide
  3. Social Welfare Approaches to Addressing Elderly Suicide
  4. Implications and My Views

III. Conclusion


. Introduction


 Elderly suicide is one of the prominent issues in an aging society, steadily increasing over time. This problem arises from a combination of social, psychological, and biological factors, disrupting human lives and threatening social well-being and peace. Research and responses to this issue have become crucial social tasks.

  Analyzing the causes of elderly suicide reveals significant roles played by social factors such as aging, social isolation, and economic difficulties. Additionally, psychological distress, diseases, health issues, and family conflicts among the elderly are also identified as major contributing factors. Due to these various reasons, the elderly experience struggles and suffering that lead to suicidal thoughts.

  Therefore, in this paper, I will analyze aging and social issues, the causes of elderly suicide, and solutions from a social welfare perspective, presenting my views on these matters.

a lonely old man

II. Main Body

1. Aging and Social Issues

  Currently, our society is experiencing the phenomenon of aging. While in advanced countries, aging has progressed alongside economic growth, in our country, there is a somewhat differing pace between economic growth and aging. As a result, aging is progressing more rapidly in our country. Along with aging, various social issues arise, and one of them is elderly suicide.

  The elderly population faces difficulties such as illness, poverty, and social isolation. If these issues are not addressed, the likelihood of an increase in elderly suicide rates is high. When the elderly contemplate suicide, it is not merely a matter of giving up on their own lives but also a message to our society that we no longer wish to take responsibility for them. Therefore, our society needs to recognize the seriousness of elderly suicide issues and respond proactively.

Next, let's examine the causes of elderly suicide.



2. Causes of Elderly Suicide

  Elderly suicide is a significant global issue. Adults aged 65 and older comprise more than half of the population structure, and the suicide rate among the elderly is generally higher than the overall suicide rate. While there are various reasons why the elderly choose suicide, most of them can be summarized as follows:

  1. Social Exclusion: Elderly individuals are often actively excluded from family, friends, and social networks. When they no longer receive support, love, and care from family members or social networks, they become more exposed to feelings of loneliness and isolation among people. This can lead to a loss of self-worth, making life in old age even more challenging.
  2. Physical Health Issues: Physical health problems are associated with suicide. Elderly individuals are prone to chronic diseases due to age-related physiological decline. Pain and financial burden from chronic diseases can deteriorate the quality of life for the elderly. Moreover, when difficulties arise in daily life due to illness, they may opt for suicide.
  3. Social and Economic Vulnerability: Elderly individuals are often socially and economically vulnerable. They are more likely to experience poverty, economic issues, and limited employment opportunities. Economic problems make it difficult for the elderly to access resources for education, healthcare, and leisure activities, further diminishing their already limited resources.
  4. Cognitive and Emotional Issues: Many elderly individuals experience cognitive and emotional problems. Memory decline and decreased concentration are common issues. These problems make it difficult for the elderly to function in daily life, leading them to choose suicide.

loneliness in old age


3. Solutions from the Perspective of Social Welfare

  Elderly suicide is not only an individual problem but also a social issue. Therefore, solutions need to be explored from the perspective of social welfare as well.

  1. Enhanced Treatment and Counseling Support: Firstly, regular mental health screenings, treatment, and counseling support are necessary for preventing elderly suicide. Such support helps to detect mental health issues and intervene early. Additionally, providing education on mental health to family members and peers can assist in suicide prevention and early detection.
  2. Social Participation Support: Elderly individuals who are socially isolated are at higher risk of suicide. Hence, opportunities for social participation through community activities, volunteering, etc., should be provided. This requires support from local community welfare facilities and institutions. Moreover, such activities can enhance the elderly's self-esteem and social connections.
  3. Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in old age is crucial. Promoting healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and engaging in enjoyable activities contribute to the physical and mental well-being of the elderly. Therefore, governments at national and local levels should operate health-related education and support programs targeting the elderly.
  4. Strengthening Elderly Welfare Systems: Lastly, welfare systems for socially vulnerable elderly individuals need to be strengthened. Various welfare systems should be implemented by the government and local authorities to support the health and economic stability of the elderly. For instance, providing financial assistance, healthcare support, and expanding health insurance benefits for low-income elderly individuals are essential.



4. Implications and My Perspective

  Elderly suicide is a profoundly serious social issue. To address this, our society needs to continuously prioritize the physical and mental well-being of the elderly.

  First and foremost, proactive support for the mental health of the elderly and providing opportunities for social engagement to prevent social isolation are crucial. This requires governments at national and local levels to operate various programs targeting the elderly in areas such as health, education, and culture, in collaboration with local communities, to enhance their quality of life.

  Furthermore, welfare systems need to be strengthened to ensure the financial stability of low-income elderly individuals. Governments at national and local levels should implement various support programs and provide financial assistance, health insurance, etc., to low-income elderly individuals.

  Lastly, it is essential to eliminate discrimination in the labor market and support economic stability to enable the elderly to maintain a stable position in society. Policies that respect the experience of the elderly and support them in retaining or finding new employment opportunities are necessary.

  Elderly suicide is a preventable issue. Our society must continue its efforts to enhance the quality of life for the elderly and explore ways to make their lives more fulfilling. The elderly are one of the most valuable resources in our society, and it is our collective responsibility to enrich their lives.

happy old age


. Conclusion


  The issue of elderly suicide is a profoundly serious social problem, and addressing it requires efforts and collaboration across various fields. As our society rapidly ages, preparing for and responding to this challenge has become an urgent task.


  To tackle this issue, it is essential to first improve awareness of mental health. Mental health remains a crucial concern in old age, and efforts to emphasize and strengthen support for prevention and treatment are necessary. Additionally, promoting social participation and fostering healthy lifestyles are crucial for enhancing the quality of life for the elderly. Creating environments where the elderly can stay connected to society and engage in healthy and active lifestyles is paramount.


  Lastly, our society needs to establish policies and systems that ensure the welfare and well-being of the elderly. Enhancing various welfare systems is crucial to providing the elderly with a healthy and stable economic foundation and ensuring they receive social support. Therefore, efforts to empathize with and address the issues faced by the elderly are necessary across our society as a whole.