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Think about how the development of artificial intelligence can change human society.

by radiantodyssey 2024. 1. 30.

The inexorable integration of artificial intelligence and robotics into human society heralds a future where human-machine symbiosis blurs the lines between organic and synthetic life forms, prompting profound societal reflections and ethical considerations.

i. Introduction

II. the main body

1. The emergence and development of artificial intelligence

2. The advent of AI robots
 1) Artificial intelligence acting in talking artificial intelligence
 2) Current Status of the Robot Industry

3. future human life
 1) a single household and a single person
 2) an elderly person living alone
 3) an artificial intelligence artist
 4) Love with Artificial Intelligence

III. Conclusion

Ⅰ. Introduction

  Years have passed since the world's attention was captivated by the event of AlphaGo defeating the top human Go player, transcending the realm of merely executing commands to engaging in the essence of strategic battles. The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has enabled it to learn autonomously, surpassing tasks like distinguishing between dogs and cats to generating three-dimensional representations from flat images. AI-powered speakers conversing with humans are now commonplace. While the dystopian visions of AI dominating the world portrayed in past science fiction films may not be imminent, it is evident that AI will deeply penetrate our lives in the near future. Let's contemplate how such AI advancements will reshape human existence.


Ⅱ. Main Body

1. Emergence and Development of Artificial Intelligence

  Artificial intelligence, represented by the term "人工知能" in Chinese characters, refers to the artificial creation of intelligence, which encompasses some or all of human intellectual abilities, or at least those perceived as such. In English, it is known as AI (Artificial Intelligence).

  Although artificial intelligence has recently become a major topic of discussion, its history dates back hundreds of years. However, during that time, it remained at the conceptual level of philosophical debates on whether non-human intelligence could be created. It was not until the mid-20th century, with the rapid development of computers, that significant progress began to occur.

  One of the primary areas where AI began to be applied was in computer games. Before the internet era, games typically involved players battling virtual opponents created by game developers. These opponents were computer-controlled, and the excitement of the game depended on how well the computer could fight. However, early AI had its limitations. It was prone to predictable patterns, lacked creative play, and once users discovered its weaknesses, the game lost its appeal.

  Nevertheless, AI gradually advanced, as seen with Google's DeepMind developing AlphaGo, marking a significant milestone in surpassing humans in intellectual challenges.

2. Emergence of Artificial Intelligence Robots

1) Transition from Talking AI to Acting AI

  At present, artificial intelligence remains at a relatively basic level. It involves learning from inputted data through repetitive processes to derive conclusions based on statistics. AI is currently capable of tasks such as automatic translation, analyzing user clicks to provide recommendations, and improving based on feedback from users. Interacting with AI through voice commands, such as with smart speakers or phones, represents an early stage where AI operates based on predefined algorithms, lacking true intelligence.

  However, the pace of development in AI has been rapid in recent years and is expected to accelerate further in the near future. According to many scholars, by around 2030, AI may be capable of engaging in intellectual conversations, reaching a level where it possesses true intelligence.

  Moreover, beyond the current stage where AI exists in computers or interacts with humans through devices like speakers, the future may witness AI integrated into robotic brains, resembling the futuristic robots often seen in science fiction movies and novels.

2) Current State of the Robotics Industry

  When people think of robots, humanoid robots like Mazinger Z often come to mind. Many robots depicted in movies also resemble humans. However, the literal definition of a robot refers to a machine capable of performing tasks automatically. Representative examples include the machines operating in manufacturing plants, such as assembly line robots.

  In our daily lives, we already encounter robots like automatic car washers and robotic vacuum cleaners. One notable example is Boston Dynamics' robots, which demonstrate remarkable capabilities, such as navigating stairs and even dancing.

 Although AI and robotics are often associated, they represent distinct fields. Nevertheless, the ultimate convergence of these two fields is expected to result in synergistic effects.

  For instance, in some nursing homes, humanoid robots are already assisting patients. These robots, resembling humans, are capable of learning and are equipped with sensors to monitor patients' conditions, analyze their state, and even summon a doctor when necessary. Such humanoid robots provide care without the risk of human error or abuse, offering a promising solution for the future of healthcare.


3. Future of Human Life

1) Rise of Single-Person Households and Singles

  The growth rate of single-person households is steep. Along with this trend, recent generations opting not to marry are also becoming a social issue. However, when the current solitary bachelors and spinsters grow old and need assistance, they may not require caregivers or caregivers as they do now. This is because we will have robots that care for us right by our side.

  Caregiving robots can assist not only physically impaired patients but also people living alone. They can wake their owners up in the morning, contact hospitals and workplaces if the owner is unwell, ask various questions to assess their condition, measure body temperature and blood pressure, book appointments at hospitals, facilitate conversations with doctors, play music according to the owner's mood, engage in direct conversations to elicit laughter, recommend or even prepare meals containing necessary nutrients, fetch needed items, assist with bathing, aid in meditation when tired, provide massages, perform household chores, and much more. Additionally, since robots have no emotions or physical limitations, they can be used as much as needed throughout the day. They become the true lifelong companions welcoming us home after work.

2) Elderly Living Alone

 The increase in the elderly population has led to social issues such as the need for caregiving, children's support problems, and resulting conflicts. However, with the advancement of artificial intelligence robots, these concerns may diminish. Although it may take some time for widespread adoption, in the near future, the elderly may be able to rely on robots for their daily lives without the need for caregiver assistance.

  A prime example is the nursing robot mentioned earlier. These robots, resembling humans, assist elderly individuals living alone by helping with daily activities and chores. They can engage in intellectual conversations through advanced AI, without exhibiting signs of fatigue or irritation. They offer massages, prepare nutritious meals, and serve as companions. While humanoid form is not necessary, robots in the form of pets could also provide companionship and assistance. These robotic pets alleviate concerns associated with caring for a living pet and offer companionship without the need for walks, grooming, veterinary visits, or other responsibilities.

3) Artificial Intelligence in Art

  Despite many opinions stating that fields like creation and art will remain exclusive domains of humans even as artificial intelligence advances, we already listen to songs composed by AI and are moved by paintings created by AI without knowing. Many are aware that much of the internet news we read is written by AI. Thus, eventually, artificial intelligence will encroach upon the last domain of humans, the field of art.

  Through deep learning, artificial intelligence analyzes human reactions to understand emotions by combining certain musical combinations. It then learns on its own to create works that can move humans. People may be moved by artworks created by AI without realizing it was made by artificial intelligence.

4) Love with Artificial Intelligence

  Have you ever imagined falling in love with a robot and even sharing intimate relations? You might think it's absurd. It's natural to find it absurd to develop feelings for an artificial intelligence or robot that naturally attracts you, constantly thinking about it, and wanting to protect it. However, let's think about it for a moment.

  Imagine a person sitting at the dinner table, having dinner and chatting about the day's events. Instead of their partner sitting across from them, there's a screen displaying their AI lover. The person finds solace in conversations with their AI companion after work, finding comfort, releasing stress, and complaining. Eventually, they begin to feel love. If you find this unbelievable, consider this: If a humanoid robot identical to humans were commonplace, and you fell in love with one without realizing it was a robot, would your feelings of love suddenly become invalid when it reveals itself as a robot?

  Intimate relationships with robots can meet the sexual needs of many single-person households and can be beneficial for those who have difficulty finding sexual partners, such as the disabled or the elderly. With over 90% of married couples having sex less than once a year, the stress of not having regular sexual intercourse is prevalent. For such people, sexual relations with robots can be an excellent remedy. The growth of this industry is evident, even without mentioning the already available "sex dolls." Eventually, robots will be able to refuse excessive sexual demands and maintain appropriate boundaries through learning conversations with their partners. Many young people who want to relieve their sexual desires but cannot find a partner will enthusiastically embrace these sexual relationship robots.

Ⅲ. Conclusion

  In the not-so-distant future, we will engage in everyday conversations, intellectual discussions, and debates with artificial intelligence rather than just considering them as friends. Robots indistinguishable from humans will roam around us, and given the pace of technological advancement, it may not take long. Moreover, in such a future, humans may even integrate lenses into their eyes and chips into their brains, blurring the lines between humans and robots. At that point, distinctions between artificial intelligence, human intelligence, and cyborgs may become meaningless.

  While this phenomenon may seem like a dazzling future, it's not entirely positive. There will inevitably be negative aspects and unintended consequences. However, human technology has always progressed in a direction of improvement despite setbacks, and this trend cannot be stopped, only momentarily delayed. Therefore, this future is inevitable. Rather than worrying, we should focus on how to embrace it and navigate towards a convenient future without adverse effects.