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Urban Regeneration Project and Three Models of Rosemann

by radiantodyssey 2024. 2. 10.

Discussing urban regeneration projects in conjunction with Löschmann's three models.

I. Introduction

II. Main Body

1. Concept of Urban Regeneration Projects

2. Rossman's Three Models

  1. Community Development Model
  2. Social Planning and Policy Model
  3. Social Action Model

3. Integration of Rossman's Three Models with Urban Regeneration Projects

4. Implications and My Perspective

III. Conclusion


I. Introduction

  Urban regeneration projects are essential for improving the quality of life for residents in cities. These projects aim to revitalize declining areas in response to urban decay, such as population decline, changes in industrial structure, urban sprawl, and aging housing environments, by activating dormant vitality and resources. Emphasizing the goals of solving community problems and satisfying needs, urban regeneration projects require the involvement of local communities to address various issues through a system of diverse stakeholders, making the concept of local community welfare essential to the implementation of these projects. Such an approach is crucial for improving the quality of life of local residents, and achieving these goals necessitates the practice of local community welfare. As the paradigm of urban management shifts towards a people- and community-centered approach, urban regeneration projects present opportunities to emphasize urban quality and promote the recovery of local communities. With increasing interest in environmental protection and sustainability, urban regeneration projects are being carried out in many regions worldwide, highlighting the need to examine how these projects contribute to resolving imbalances in regional development and improving the quality of life for individuals residing in urban areas.

  Therefore, in the main body, we will explore urban regeneration projects in relation to Rossman's three models: local community welfare practice, local community development, social planning, and social action. We will explore various intervention methods in the process of practicing local community welfare and discuss how these models can be applied to urban regeneration projects.


Urban Regeneration


II. Main Body

1. Concept of Urban Regeneration Projects

  Urban regeneration projects aim to revitalize declining areas and enhance local capacities to address urban decay by promoting economic, social, physical, and environmental revitalization. These projects are designed to tackle a wide range of urban issues such as population decline, changes in industrial structure, urban sprawl, and aging housing environments. The objective of urban regeneration projects is to foster long-term growth and development by generating self-sustaining vitality and active resources in declining areas.

  Typically, such projects involve redevelopment or renovation of existing buildings and infrastructure, creation of new public spaces, improvement of transportation networks, and adherence to sustainable development practices. Urban regeneration projects may also include community engagement and the creation of social enterprises, aiming to promote social cohesion and economic development in the locality.

  The essence of urban regeneration projects lies in enhancing the quality of life for individuals residing in urban areas through economic development, environmental sustainability, and promotion of social welfare. By revitalizing declining areas, these projects can contribute to the growth and development of the locality and help address the social, economic, and environmental challenges faced by urban areas.


2. Rossman's Three Models

  Rossman's models of community welfare practice provide a framework for understanding how community-based interventions can be designed and implemented to address social issues and enhance the quality of life for individuals living in specific communities. These models include the community development model, the social planning and policy model, and the social action model.

In the context of urban regeneration projects, Rossman's three models of community welfare practice can all be applied to promote community development and improve the quality of life for individuals residing in declining areas. The community engagement and grassroots organizing facilitated by these models can be applied in the context of urban regeneration projects. To encourage community participation in urban regeneration projects, community-based organizations and local community leaders can be mobilized. This model can also be used to develop community-based initiatives aimed at promoting economic development, social welfare, and environmental sustainability in declining areas.

1) Community Development Model

  The community development model emphasizes the importance of community participation and empowerment in addressing social issues. It is based on the belief that individuals within communities have the knowledge and resources necessary to address problems and improve their lives. The community development model aims to build community capacity by promoting community engagement, grassroots organizing, and community-based initiatives. It underscores the importance of community-based organizations and local community leaders in fostering community development.

2) Social Planning and Policy Model

  The social planning and policy model focus on the role of government and public policy in addressing social issues. It is based on the belief that government policies and programs can be used to enhance social welfare and address social problems. The social planning and policy model include the development of policies and programs aimed at improving social conditions, promoting social justice, and addressing social inequalities. It emphasizes the importance of social planning and policy analysis in promoting social welfare.

  The social planning and policy model can be applied in the context of urban regeneration projects by developing policies and programs aimed at promoting urban regeneration and addressing social issues. It can be used to develop policies and programs aimed at improving infrastructure, promoting economic development, and addressing environmental issues in declining areas. Government agencies and public officials can collaborate to promote urban regeneration and develop policies and programs to effectively address social problems.


3) Social Action Model

  The social action model can be applied in the context of urban regeneration projects by developing education programs and interventions aimed at promoting individual and collective behavior change. This model can be used to promote sustainable development practices, reduce crime rates, and foster social cohesion in declining areas. In urban regeneration projects, education programs and counseling services aimed at promoting behavior change and enhancing social welfare can be developed.

The social action model emphasizes the importance of individual and collective behavior in addressing social issues. It is based on the belief that individual and group behavior can be changed through social learning and behavior modification. This model includes the development of education programs, counseling, and other interventions to change behavior and enhance social welfare.

  Rossman's three models of community welfare practice provide a useful framework for understanding how community-based interventions can be designed and implemented to address social issues and enhance the quality of life for individuals living in declining areas. In the context of urban regeneration projects, all three models – community development, social planning, and social action – can be applied to promote sustainable urban regeneration and improve the quality of life for individuals residing in urban areas.



3. Integration of Rossman's Three Models with Urban Regeneration Projects

Urban regeneration projects aim to revitalize declining areas through economic, social, physical, and environmental activation, with the goals of strengthening local capacity and fostering self-sustaining communities. These projects require an understanding of the needs of the local community and active participation from its members, which closely aligns with Rossman's three models of community welfare practice.


  1.   First, the community development model emphasizes the importance of community participation and mobilization for achieving long-term change. This model recognizes the strengths and resources of the local community and the importance of empowering them to play an active role in the regeneration process. Given the need for community involvement and support, it is particularly relevant to urban regeneration projects. Through community participation and engagement, projects can better reflect the needs and desires of the local community, leading to greater success and sustainability.

  2.   Second, the social planning and policy model focuses on the role of government and institutions in addressing community issues through the development and implementation of social policies and programs. This model emphasizes the importance of planning and coordination among various stakeholders, including government agencies, local community organizations, and service providers. In the context of urban regeneration projects, this model can help ensure that projects align with broader policy objectives and that resources are effectively allocated. By involving diverse stakeholders and coordinating efforts, social planning and policy can integrate urban regeneration projects into broader strategies for community development and welfare.

  3.  Lastly, the social behavior model emphasizes the role of individual behavior and change in achieving community goals. This model recognizes the importance of understanding and addressing individual and group behaviors contributing to social issues, as well as developing interventions to promote positive behavioral change. In the context of urban regeneration projects, this model can help address issues such as crime and social disorder that may contribute to urban decay. By understanding the root causes of these issues and developing targeted interventions, projects can contribute to creating safer and more cohesive communities.

  In summary, Rossman's three models of community welfare practice provide a useful framework for understanding various approaches to urban regeneration projects. These projects can benefit from a combination of community participation, social planning and policy, and behavioral change interventions to activate declining areas, strengthen local capacity, and foster self-sustaining communities.


urban improvement

4. Implications and My Perspective

  Urban regeneration projects are becoming increasingly important in addressing the complex and diverse challenges faced by urban areas today. Through the lens of Rossman's three models of community welfare practice, it is evident that community development, social planning and policy, and social behavior are all relevant to the success of these projects.

The community development model can encourage community participation in urban regeneration projects, empowering residents to play an active role in shaping the future of their neighborhoods. By empowering residents and instilling a sense of community ownership and pride, urban regeneration projects can more effectively and sustainably address the needs of the locality.

  The social planning and policy model is also crucial for urban regeneration as it provides a framework for assessing the needs of the community and developing targeted interventions to address those needs. This includes policies related to housing, transportation, environmental sustainability, and more. Effective planning and policy development can ensure that urban regeneration projects align with broader societal and economic objectives and mitigate potential negative impacts.

  Lastly, the social behavior model is important for understanding the human dynamics that underpin urban regeneration projects. Project planners can identify potential barriers to success by examining the attitudes and behaviors of local residents and develop strategies to address them. This may include building trust between different community groups, encouraging greater civic participation, or addressing underlying social inequalities.


  In my view, a holistic and integrated approach utilizing all three of Rossman's models is necessary for the successful implementation of urban regeneration projects. Community participation and engagement are crucial for fostering ownership and pride in urban regeneration initiatives, while social planning and policy can ensure that projects align with broader societal and economic goals. Lastly, understanding the human dynamics of communities through the social behavior model can help identify potential challenges and barriers to success, enabling the development of strategies to address them.

  Ultimately, urban regeneration projects can play a significant role in revitalizing declining areas and improving the quality of life for local residents. By employing the principles of community welfare practice and Rossman's three models, we can ensure that these projects effectively respond to local needs, are sustainable, and achieve their objectives.



III. Conclusion

  Urban regeneration projects are crucial for revitalizing declining areas and activating them with inherent vitality and proactive resources. Community welfare practice plays a significant role in improving the quality of life for local residents and can serve as a useful framework for driving urban regeneration projects.

  In the main discussion, we explored the relevance of Rossman's three community welfare practice models to urban regeneration projects. The community development model emphasizes community cohesion and empowerment by highlighting local residents' involvement in decision-making and project execution. The social planning and policy model focus on evidence-based decision-making and research to ensure that urban regeneration projects are data-driven and aligned with the needs of local residents. Lastly, the social behavior model underscores the importance of social norms and values in shaping behavior and promoting social change, emphasizing the necessity of community participation and collaboration.

  Overall, the connection between Rossman's three models and urban regeneration projects underscores the importance of community involvement, evidence-based decision-making, and collaboration in achieving successful urban regeneration. As a society, we must continuously prioritize the quality of life for local residents and strive to create sustainable, livable, and inclusive cities.