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the Crucial Role of Databases in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and the Fourth Industrial Revolution We are entering the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution driven by artificial intelligence. Let's discuss the importance and necessity of databases in the age of artificial intelligence. Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Main Content 1. What is Artificial Intelligence? 2. Artificial Intelligence and Databases 3. The necessity and importance of databases in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4. Impl.. 2024. 1. 27.
Book report : Demian (To be born, one must destroy a world) To be born, one must destroy a world Introduction to Demian Autobiographical Novel Summary of Demian Hatching into a New World Conclusion Introduction to Demian Finally, I've read it. The famous 'Demian.' I first attempted to read it in high school on recommendation but couldn't quite get through it. Since then, I've made several unsuccessful attempts, but now, I finally feel a sense of accompli.. 2024. 1. 27.
AI report : Researching the concept, technology, and applications of artificial intelligence The future of artificial intelligence holds revolutionary changes, emphasizing cooperation, ethics, and collaboration to ensure a human-entric approach and societal value while addressing challenges and enhancing preparedness. Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Main Body Concept of Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and Deep Learning Weak AI and Strong AI Applications of Artificial Intelligence My Thought.. 2024. 1. 27.
Book report : The Old Man and the Sea (The weightiness that comes from knowing the process rather than the outcome) The Old Man and the Sea Endurance Echoes: The Old Man's Ocean Odyssey Intro : Entering the World of "The Old Man and the Sea" The Old Man, and the Sea Old Man's Meaning of the Sea Process Over Outcome Closing Intro : Entering the World of "The Old Man and the Sea" "The Old Man and the Sea." It's a title that's both simple and straightforward, yet it carries a certain charm. As expected, it's the.. 2024. 1. 27.
Review : Ready Player One (n the near future, the virtual worlds we will experience,Will they be a blessing or a disaster?) Ready Player One : In a futuristic world where reality blurs with virtual realms, "Ready Player One" explores the essence of human connection and the significance of embracing reality amidst the allure of escapism. 1. Introduction 2. Synopsis 3. Memorable Scene 4. Review 5. Conclusion Introduction In the near future, where a virtual reality world becomes reality upon logging in, this blockbuster.. 2024. 1. 27.
Book report : Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (The duality of good and evil within the human psyche, present in everyone) Duality Unveiled: Exploring the Depths of Human Nature in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1. Introduction Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde delve into the duality of human nature, exploring the inherent dualities of good and evil that exist within each individual. 2. Characters The story revolves around two main characters: Dr. Henry Jekyll, a respected and accomplished scientist, and Mr. Edward Hyde, a sinister .. 2024. 1. 27.
Book report : The Eichmann in Jerusalem(The Banality of Evil, Anyone Can Become Evil) Reflections on the Banality of Evil : A Journey Through 'Jerusalem's Eichmann Introduction Summary Memorable Passage Impressions Conclusion Introduction "Eichmann in Jerusalem" is a monumental testament to how great a disaster can arise from the unreason of one human being. It chronicles the trial of Nazi war criminal Eichmann, observed by author Hannah Arendt in Jerusalem. Despite the expectati.. 2024. 1. 27.
Book report : Man's Search for Meaning (The triumph of human dignity that even transforms death into hope) The triumph of human dignity that even transforms death into hope Introduction Summary Memorable Passage Impressions Conclusion Introduction If there's one thing I fear most in the world, it's the thought of my suffering becoming meaningless. - From "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl - "Man's Search for Meaning" is an autobiographical essay by Viktor Frankl, a philosopher and psychiatri.. 2024. 1. 27.