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book report51

Cathedral: Moments of the extraordinary in ordinary life(rich reviews) Raymond Carver's collection of short stories, "Cathedral," delves into the ordinary lives of couples and former couples, portraying moments where their paths converge or diverge unexpectedly. Through subtle yet profound narratives, Carver explores the intricacies of human relationships, highlighting the significance of seemingly mundane moments and the revelations they can yield. With keen insig.. 2024. 2. 1.
Starvation : Modern human psychology through the instinct of hunger Starvation by Knut Hamsun A masterpiece that deeply portrays the psyche of modern humans, who feel painful and alienated through the instinct of hunger. Introduction "My hunger was cruel beyond belief. I knew how my shameless appetite would end." Without any other tragedy or action, the autobiographical novel "Starvation," by Norwegian author Knut Hamsun, delves deeply into the human psyche. Pub.. 2024. 2. 1.
The Fifth Child : Regarding the collapse of the family and the illusion of family ideology A terrifying moment when a beloved being turns into a dreadful presence, shattering the family and exposing the illusion of family ideology(by DorisLessing). Intro Introducing, The Fifth Child, a provocative and sharp questioning of the origins and values of 'humanity', trapped in the paradigm of the late 20th century, penned by acclaimed British author Doris Lessing. Published in 1988, this nov.. 2024. 2. 1.
For the days yet to come: A new attitude of aging as spoken by global intellect. In "For the Days Yet to Come," Pascal Bruckner presents a fresh perspective on aging, highlighting the outdated expectations we impose on ourselves. Despite medical advancements, aging and death remain fears. Philosophy serves as a guide, teaching us to embrace life amidst uncertainty. Bruckner challenges the notion of giving up with age, urging us to test our strength until the end, making the .. 2024. 2. 1.