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What is Happiness? My definition of happiness and an attitude for a happy life. What is Happiness? People live for various reasons, but one can broadly say that they live to be happy. So, what is happiness? What kind of life can be considered happy? Pursuits may vary according to individual preferences, values, and personalities. Therefore, I pondered over what exactly we refer to as 'happiness', what common meaning it holds, and what efforts are required to live a happy li.. 2024. 2. 1.
For the days yet to come: A new attitude of aging as spoken by global intellect. In "For the Days Yet to Come," Pascal Bruckner presents a fresh perspective on aging, highlighting the outdated expectations we impose on ourselves. Despite medical advancements, aging and death remain fears. Philosophy serves as a guide, teaching us to embrace life amidst uncertainty. Bruckner challenges the notion of giving up with age, urging us to test our strength until the end, making the .. 2024. 2. 1.
The Philosophical Method of Socrates: Socrates' way of talking and its influence on other thinkers The essay delves into the life, philosophical contributions, and dialogical methods of Socrates, one of the most influential figures in Western philosophy. It explores how Socratic dialogue, characterized by rigorous inquiry and critical questioning, has shaped intellectual discourse and pedagogical practices throughout history. By examining the utility and limitations of the Socratic method, pa.. 2024. 1. 31.
What changes in labor will AI bring about? The world reshaped by artificial intelligence (AI) technology The transformative impact of AI technology on labor dynamics prompts an exploration of its multifaceted implications. i. Introduction II. the main body 1. The Impact of AI Technology on Labor 1) Automation and Productivity Improvements 2) the disappearance of some jobs and the emergence of new ones 3) Changing the work environment and increasing the importance of managing people 4) Collaborative.. 2024. 1. 31.