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Analysis of Changing Family Structures and Values in South Korea: Causes, Countermeasures, and Prospects

by radiantodyssey 2024. 1. 14.


Recently, a task to be solved socially in Korea is a change in family structure and family-related values. For example, a decrease in the marriage rate, an increase in the divorce rate, the emergence of various family types such as single households and single-parent families, and a decrease in the fertility rate. Diagnose the cause of this family problem and describe the countermeasures and prospects accordingly.


1. Introduction
2. The definition and function of the family
3. Changes in the Family in Korea
4. Family-related social problems and their causes and countermeasures
5. Conclusion

1. Introduction

  At birth, humans are destined to belong to the family. In addition, physical, psychological, and social needs are satisfied through family life such as childbirth, rearing, education, socialization, mutual satisfaction of intimate affection, economic cooperation, protection, and rest. Family problems in modern society, which are undergoing rapid social changes, appear in various ways, from internal family problems to conflicts and conflicts arising from family members' consciousness or behavior colliding with various social systems. Family issues, such as a decline in the marriage rate, a decline in the fertility rate, an increase in the divorce rate, an increase in single-parent families, and an increase in multicultural families, are becoming serious social problems, which are not limited to Korea, but are thought to be the trend of the times in many developed countries around the world. Considering the rapid development of science and the rapid change in the social system, I think this is an inevitable trend in a way.

  The emergence of these various family types and changes in family values contribute to various family problems, and these family problems are now becoming social and cultural, not just family problems. In this article, we will diagnose the causes of various family problems and describe the countermeasures and prospects accordingly.


2. The definition and function of the family

  The home is the most basic and essential place of life for humans, and the process takes place, that is, the most common group of beings in human society is the family.

  The individual is the member of this family, which is referred to as the family as a collective concept. In other words, the family is not just a collection of individuals, but a small group, a dynamic entity that has regulations on life, structure, and itself, and is a product of interaction with the environment.

  The function of the family is multifaceted, but there are two essential functions. The first is that the continuous union of couples is legally and socially approved by the social and legal procedure of marriage, and thus the sexual order is maintained socially.  Second, the long-term need for supportive love for children inevitably requires the combination of mother and child and father's cooperation, and it is being met by the nuclear family. Even if sexual negotiations other than marriage are required or children are abandoned or protected by social facilities, it is not a universal phenomenon with generality and permanence, but a temporary and sociopathic phenomenon in a special natural and social environment.   Based on these two essential functions, the couple's economic cooperation is achieved, and children's socialization is achieved in emotional fusion.

3. Changes in the Family in Korea

1) changes in family structure

  The family constantly has a dynamic interaction relationship with the social environment, making not only continuous changes but also rapid changes. This is because values for families change during periods of rapid changes in society, and more people have lifestyles that feel rejected by the existing family order.

  Already in the West, divorce rates have increased since the 1980s. The increase in single-parent families. an increase in single households a fall in the birth rate Family-related social changes, such as the emergence of gay families, have occurred. In the process of industrialization, family prosperity was formed by complex interactions of various conditions, and the socioeconomic aspect was the cause of family change in the process of industrialization. the cultural aspect There were internal conditions within the family.

  This trend has led to the emergence of various types of family structures instead of the traditional family structure. There are families consisting of one of the parents and their children, grandchildren, multicultural families, gay families, remarried families, foster families, fertilized extended families, and adopted families.

2) a change in family values

  Families in Korea are changing in terms of structural and functional aspects due to rapid social changes. The view of this change can be explained as a change in values. As the principles of traditional society, where the family was central to the overall social system, such as politics, economy, society, and culture, collapsed, family values based on patriarchy, the concept of filial piety, and gender role division were shaken. This means that things that were normally considered to be done in traditional values in the past are changing into optional ones.

  In the case of single families, the proportion of existing nuclear families is decreasing due to family values caused by the spread of individualism. Since 2000, single families have been the main types of households in Korean society.   It continues to follow the most common second-generation household type, showing a rapidly spreading trend.

  In addition, due to the change in childbirth consciousness, a form of planned and selective childless family that recognized marriage and childbirth separately appeared. In the past, children were essential, but in modern Korean society, individuals can choose "work" rather than children, so having a modern child is explained by personalized marriage and childbirth.

4. Family-related social problems and causes and countermeasures

1) a decrease in the marriage rate and a decrease in the birth rate

  Due to the recent decline in the employment rate of young people, there is a trend of avoiding marriage or delaying the marriage period. Or, even if they are employed, they have financial difficulties other than some large companies, so even if they are married, double-income couples tend to avoid marriage due to time and financial difficulties to take care of their children, or continue to delay childbirth or have only one child. There are various causes, but it is typical for dual-income couples after marriage to be reluctant to give birth because it costs too much to leave infants with children, such as kindergarten, and private education costs too much after elementary school.

  Since this low birth rate poses a threat to national competitiveness and socio-economic order, we must make efforts to return the fertility rate to normal levels.

  Typically, for couples who delay marriage because there is no marriage cost, a policy of renting so that they can move in immediately after marriage can be considered. The state should pay for the expenses by installing and operating daycare facilities and kindergartens that care for infants in elementary schools. In other words, daycare facilities and kindergartens should be expanded to compulsory education periods. In addition, when giving birth to a child, the local government or the state must bear the cost of giving birth.

When selling apartments, priority should be given after listening to subscription payments, and both the child's father and mother should have a parental leave system so that the couple can take turns caring for the child.

  Another problem is that young office workers in Korea do not have a certain time to leave work. Office workers, regardless of whether they are large companies or small or medium-sized companies, do not have a constant time to leave work. Most of the time, I return home from 9-10 p.m. If I have a lot of work, I go to work on weekends without taking a break. Therefore, business owners must keep the time to leave work for the country and for the health of young people so that they can have a smooth family life.

  Regarding the military service issue, one of the causes of conflict between men and women, if women are obligated to do volunteer work to care for infants in infant and infant facilities for two years in accordance with the men's military service period, gender equality will be resolved and the national budget for infant and infant education will be saved.

2) an increase in divorce rates

  First, a personal factor is the manifestation of consciousness according to social change. As women's economic and social status increased their economic power, conditions for women to live alone began to be established, and there was a sense that women were no longer inferior to men, such as equal educational opportunities and institutional improvement toward gender equality.

  As women's educational standards improved, their social status also improved, and in the process, the values of women's traditional gender roles were diluted, and as awareness of the problems of obedience, oppression, domination, and domination in previous marital relationships increased, awareness of equal marital relationships increased significantly.

  As men who are relatively accustomed to traditional gender roles fail to join the change, the gender gap between men and women has widened, resulting in increased conflict and increased divorce rates.

  When looking at what most husbands expect from their wives, they point to satisfying their sexual needs, a hobby partner, maintaining their attractive appearance, preparing a sincere table at a clean home, and respectful treatment. On the other hand, what wives want from their husbands are affectionate touches and expressions, friendly interlocutors, honest and trustworthy relationships, financial stability, and family consideration.  
  Women are more sensitive to social change than men. The oppressed and the oppressed are originally sensitive to social change. Men, on the other hand, are old-fashioned and status quo. Now women are becoming more and more free from men and have the conditions to be economically and mentally independent.

  As the saying goes, "Women are able to find their rights," women are starting a new beginning and facing the unknown world and the future while listening to the inner voice they are longing for.  

  Although they feel vain about breaking up with someone who has lived their entire lives, divorced women recover their normal lives. It is to navigate the flow of life with the power of confident choice. The new life of a housewife who devoted her all her energy to raising her children and exchanged feelings of love, hate, hate, and love, and tried to find lost time from the perspective of a housewife who put her life at the center of her husband's support.   
  The husband must accept the changed male and female roles. Of course, I know that men who have not been able to see reality through thought also have a lot to say. But it is a reality that must be accepted. Retirement should start by accepting that it is already not dominating, that it is not authoritative, that it is outside the social class.

  Recognizing and accepting reality. Therefore, it must be acknowledged that we can survive only by giving up on giving up and pushing for something to be promoted.

3) the rise of single households

  It is now very common to see people living alone. In terms of ratios, more than one out of four households in Korea is a single-person household. So there have been many changes in life, including a lot of consumption. It is very common to see small packaged vegetables in the mart that can only be eaten as affordably as necessary. Home appliances that are convenient to use alone, such as electric rice cookers and ultra-small washing machines, are also popular.

  However, the economic situation of single-person households living alone is by no means good. Eighty percent of single-person households have an annual income of more than 30 million won, and 40 percent live on a monthly rent. Not only is the housing type weak, but the average annual income of a single-person household remains at 21.16 million won.

  In addition, single-person households have a relatively high proportion among women, young people, and the elderly. It should also be noted that the increase in single-person households among those aged 60 and over is increasing rapidly. In addition, the lack of ties and isolation are prominent. Therefore, the degree of depression, isolation, and sadness is relatively large.
  This increase in single and single households can be attributed to the social trend of avoiding the obligation to support children's parents, the increase in marriage age, the tendency to avoid marriage, the increase in marriage costs such as real estate prices, and the development of a culture that can be enjoyed alone.

  The increase in single-person households is considered to be the weakening and partial dissolution of Korea's traditional family society. In other words, solidarity and bonds through families, warm humanity, and comfort have disappeared, and we are facing a social phenomenon in which individuals have to solve them on their own.

  Therefore, the national family policy also needs to be diversified around a family of four. In particular, measures are needed for single-person households suffering from isolation and economic vulnerability at a time when it is difficult to recover traditional family functions and roles. In other words, it is necessary to actively respond to the public sector.   
  Of course, the phenomenon of increasing single-person households is not necessarily a social problem, but a natural phenomenon due to changes in society. At first glance, that's true. However, in terms of population decline due to a decrease in the marriage rate and a decrease in the fertility rate, it is not a desirable phenomenon for society as a whole.

  Therefore, our society should improve appropriate policies and systems for single-person households, and ultimately, we should move away from single-person households and form a family.

4) Single-parent families increase

  A single-parent family means a family consisting of a single parent and a child in which one or both parents raise their children alone for reasons such as death, divorce, separation, abandonment, or single mother in a family with a minor child under the age of 18. It can be classified into a mother-and-son family living with the mother's teeth and a rich family raised by the father, the most common being the mother-and-son family, in which case the mother usually suffers from the double whammy of living and parenting. Various social measures are currently being taken, but social security measures are more strongly required in the situation where it has become difficult to protect traditional families along with the development of nuclear families.
  Accordingly, various state and local governments' subsidy systems and child support allowances are being implemented, but so far, they are insufficient.

5) the rise of multicultural families

  Multicultural families refer to families achieved by meeting people of different nationalities or cultures. Since the early 2000s, women from Southeast Asia and other countries with low economic power have been accepted as marriage immigrants, and it has been suggested as a way to solve the population cliff problem or the job shortage in the 3D industry. As a result, 370,000 people were married in 2007. In the early 2010s, conditions such as various Korean language tests resulted in a decrease in marriage immigrants. Every year, the number decreased to 20,000 in 2016. However, from 2017, it turned to an annual increase and increased to 230,000 in 2019. Not only did it increase in the absolute number, but the proportion of total marriages fell to the 7% range due to the decrease in domestic marriages, but it also increased to 9.8% in 2019. Considering that the share of total marriages was 10.9% in 2007, when the absolute figure was high, it has actually returned to the level of the 2000s, and if the current trend continues, it may be higher in proportion than in 2007. According to statistics from December 2019, 4.9% of the total population in Korea consists of multicultural families, and Korea has virtually entered a multicultural society since the 2020s in light of the general academic world, where more than 5% of the population is classified as a multicultural society.

  In this regard, the government decided to conduct a survey by each ministry by type in the future, and prepare and confirm specific comprehensive support measures and detailed implementation plans. The government decided to approach the policy goal at a longer-term and macro level beyond 'promoting human rights and social integration through elimination of discrimination'. The strategy is to cultivate cultural, diplomatic, and economic personnel in Korean society in the future. By introducing a more active and positive perspective from a passive and evasive policy perspective, the vision is to "implement a multicultural human rights state leading in Asia."

  Establish after-school programs and apply mentoring to college students to prevent learning deficits for children from multicultural families and strengthen the support function of "school" to help them adapt to school. It is required to open after-school programs that can guide children from multicultural families with Korean language and insufficient subjects, and to provide cultural experience education with parents.

  Politicians also responded quickly to the "Heines Syndrome" situation, and the ruling and opposition parties decided to actively legislate to ban social discrimination against mixed-race people. In addition to changing the term mixed race, it will include active support, not just passive support at the level of resolving discrimination.

5. Conclusion

  There is no absolute standard for family structure, but it is true that it is a time when some re-establishment is necessary in the recent rapidly changing society. As a welfare countermeasure for the future of family welfare, a family-friendly system should be established to respond to various problems between families in the present era. In order to create a family-friendly society in foreign countries, efforts are made to create a family-friendly system through unions and research institutes between non-profit organizations and companies, but while our society is highly interested in the family-friendly system, practical consideration for implementing it is quite insufficient. It is time for all of us to go through social discussions in preparation for the future that will change more rapidly in the future.