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Understanding the Causes of Hair Loss and Effective Management Strategies

by radiantodyssey 2024. 1. 14.

Explain the cause of hair loss and how to manage it.


i. Introduction

II. the main body

1. Concept and cause of hair loss

2. Types and characteristics of hair loss

3. How to manage hair loss according to the type of hair loss

III. Conclusion

i. Introduction

  The external shape of the hair greatly affects the image of the individual. In addition, hair health is not directly related to life, but it protects the human body from external stimuli, such as protecting the scalp from ultraviolet rays, and is an important factor in expressing external images. The scalp is the skin on which these hairs take root, and if mismanaged, it accelerates related problems such as hair loss and dandruff, which is just as important as facial skin.

  In a modern capitalist society, office workers consider appearance an indispensable factor in an individual's competitiveness, such as foreign language skills, academic background, and practical work skills. Male office workers as well as women who are naturally interested in improving their appearance do not deviate much from this trend. In a survey of 500 men aged 15 to 39 conducted by an advertising company, 86% of all respondents said that "appearance is a means to increase men's competitiveness."

  In the past, there was a strong tendency to regard hair loss as occurring only in men after middle age and dismiss it as a problem that has nothing to do with young men or women. However, in recent years, the number of hair loss occurring in anyone regardless of age or gender is gradually increasing. According to statistics from the National Health Insurance Service, the number of hair loss patients is increasing year by year, the age group of hair loss is gradually decreasing, and the number of hair loss patients in their 20s is increasing year by year.In this regard, we will look at the symptoms of hair loss and examine in detail the various causes of hair loss and management methods according to the causes of hair loss.

II. the main body

1. Concept and cause of hair loss

1) the concept of hair loss

  Hair loss refers to the loss of hair from the scalp due to various factors, including heredity. As a result of physiological loss of hair, hair that has entered the resting period after the growth and regression periods becomes thinner and less glossy, and the hair roots become thinner and fall out.

  Hair that grows on a person's head goes through a certain growth cycle. Growing-> Degenerating-> Going through a resting period, 90% of the hair is undergoing a growing period. The remaining 5-10% are resting, and only 1% of the very small amount is going through a degenerative phase. After a 1% degenerative phase, the hair falls out of the hair follicle and begins to prepare to proceed to the next step.
  Hair that goes through this growth cycle falls out from 80 to 100 strands a day. This amount of loss per day can be seen as a normal case, so it is normal for a person to have hair missing in the corner of the room or bathroom.

  However, hair loss is defined as a case where more than the normal amount of hair falls out.

  There is still no way to fully explain this phenomenon in modern medicine and biology. Still, when it comes to causes, it is divided into genetic and environmental factors. Stress and seasons are other secondary problems, if not the direct cause, and even common chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes are said to affect hair loss quickly. The weakening of hair roots due to frequent shampoo was also pointed out as the cause, and there was once a no-shampu trend.

2) the cause of hair loss

  There are various causes of hair loss. Genetic causes and androgen, a male hormone, are considered important factors in the occurrence of male hair loss, and some of them are estimated to occur in the same path as male hair loss, but there are clinical differences in the pattern.

- an oil field
  Hair loss can be caused by genetic factors and male hormones. However, even with these two factors, hair loss does not necessarily appear, and the timing of hair loss may also vary depending on the person's genes and the blood concentration of male hormones.

- Stress  
  When stress accumulates, stress hormones are secreted, causing blood vessels to contract, and the scalp to become tense, resulting in insufficient nutrition to the hair roots, which can lead to hair loss.

- sickness and lifestyle  
  Hair loss is associated with lifestyle diseases caused by food culture and environmental pollution in modern society, such as anemia, asthma, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, and diabetes. Therefore, lifestyle improvements should be made to prevent and treat hair loss. Fatty-oriented eating habits, excessive drinking, smoking, and severe diet or picky eating can interfere with sufficient nutrition to hair roots and hair, which can lead to hair loss.

2. Types and characteristics of hair loss

1) circular hair loss

  Circular hair loss is a phenomenon in which hair falls out in a circular shape, and occurs not only in the head, but also in beards and eyebrows. There can be several or several flying dogs, and the size usually starts from about 2 to 3 cm and gradually increases in size and number.
  The cause of circular hair loss is considered to be related to genetic factors, stress, and immune function abnormalities, and although it can heal without treatment, the recurrence rate is high.

2) male hair loss

  Male alopecia is commonly referred to as 'bald hair' and, in medical terms, is also called androgen alopecia. Hair loss usually progresses in the late 20s or 30s as hair gradually becomes thinner, and genetic factors, age, and male hormones occur. 
  There are cases in which the forehead is rounded off from the top of the head, and when the hair falls off in an M-shape on both sides of the forehead, there are U-shape where the forehead is peeled off as a whole.

3) female hair loss

  Compared to male hair loss, female hair loss is characterized by thinner hair in the center of the head and less hair as the hair line above the forehead is maintained. Women have far more oestrogen, a female hormone, than androgen, a male hormone that causes hair loss, so hair loss rarely progresses completely like men. However, a large amount of hair is lost, and the thinning itself is only reduced.

4) Resting hair loss.

  This case refers to temporary hair loss that occurs after severe physical and mental stress such as endocrine disease, malnutrition, drug use, childbirth, surgery, and fever. Hair root cells usually have a cycle of three years of growth, three weeks of regression, and three months of rest, and rest period hair loss is caused by a part of the hair not completing the growth period and transitioning to the rest period.

3. How to manage hair loss according to the type of hair loss

1) circular hair loss

  It is known that there is no special way to prevent hair loss, so treatment should be performed as soon as possible after it occurs, and it is more important than anything else to continue to manage it. In particular, psychological anxiety and tension caused by extreme stress have a great influence on the onset, so the environment and situation that cause it must be corrected. You should have time to rest through sufficient rest, sleep, and hobbies and leisure activities.

  Even if the nutritional supply is irregular, it can be a factor that causes abnormalities. Therefore, it is necessary to consume fruits, vegetables, and seaweed that contain a large amount of various vitamins and minerals evenly. If you take care of protein-rich foods such as legumes and eggs, you can supplement beneficial ingredients. 
  In addition, nuts and beer yeast can also strengthen scalp tissue to help remove sebum and dead skin cells. Massages on the shoulders and neck and steady exercise can also strengthen immunity, relieve it and prevent recurrence.

2) male hair loss

  Above all, making your hair healthy is the top priority. It is also good to eat health foods to prevent hair loss. Nutritional imbalances may lead to hair loss. A poor diet can lead to a lack of macronutrients and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals), which can make the body unhealthy and cause hair loss. For the health of hair and overall physical health, eat high-quality foods containing various nutrients.

  In addition, when the body lacks moisture, skin and hair cells cannot grow. In order to make your hair healthy and grow, you need to drink enough water to prevent a lack of moisture.

  As a treatment, minoxidil is a topical male hair loss treatment approved by the FDA. This is a drug that stimulates hair follicles to grow and should be applied directly to the scalp.  And you can talk to your doctor about taking pinasteride. Finasteride (profecia, marketed as proscar) is an oral prescription drug that works better than minoxidil. The drug combines with enzymes to prevent testosterone from being converted to DHT.

  Finally, there is also a way to get a hair transplant. Hair transplantation is the removal of hair from one part of the scalp and transferring it to the hair loss area. Hair transplants are typically performed several times, and although expensive, the results are effective and permanent.

3) female hair loss

  In the case of female hair loss, the cause is not yet clear, but it is often genetic. If there is hair loss in the family, the probability of inheritance is around 50%, and there is more of a pattern of inheritance from the mother. However, more and more hair loss is occurring recently due to stress from social life, home, and childcare, nutritional imbalance caused by excessive diet, endocrine abnormalities, and drug misuse.

  In order to prevent and properly manage female hair loss, it is most important to eat a healthy diet. It is recommended to consume enough iron through foods such as dark green leafy vegetables and beans.  
  And it is recommended to avoid perm or dyeing as much as possible because the scalp and hair can be damaged. Smoking also damages hair follicles and speeds up the progression of hair loss, so it is recommended to quit smoking.

  Drugs can be used for treatments. Minoxidil (logaine) is the only female hair loss treatment approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The method of using minoxidil is the method of applying it to the scalp every day. Although it may not fully regenerate hair, it has the effect of regenerating and thickening a significant amount of hair.

  Even with treatment, it is difficult to return to before female hair loss progresses. It will be possible to slow the progression of hair loss with appropriate treatment and to regenerate some of the missing hair. Since it can take up to 12 months for the treatment to take effect, it is recommended to receive treatment consistently.

4) Resting hair loss.

  Typical causes of respiratory hair loss include stress, diet, thyroid disease, anemia (lack of iron), and insomnia (sleep disorder). Since resting hair loss is caused by environmental factors, most of the hair density is restored when the cause of hair loss is removed, so there is no need to worry too much, but it is helpful to visit a hospital for diagnosis and treatment if the symptoms of losing more than 100 hairs a day last more than two months.

III. Conclusion

  Above all, it is important to prevent hair loss and keep the scalp and hair healthy. It is important to relieve stress, which is the biggest enemy, and it will be important to stretch for 10 minutes when you wake up in the morning, recharge your energy with regular exercise, think positively about everything, and feel comfortable with nature often.

  It will also be necessary to provide healthy nutrition to the hair through sufficient nutrition. It's better to avoid foods that are too sweet and greasy. Excessive drinking and smoking interfere with the nutrition of the hair roots and should be kept away.
  In order to maintain healthy hair, it is recommended to wash your hair at least 2-3 times a week and massage your scalp. Massaging the scalp gently with fingertips or brushes in the morning and evening will smooth the blood circulation and metabolism of the hair roots to create healthy hair. When drying your hair, drying naturally if possible can prevent damage. It is not recommended to dye, bleach, perm, etc. that may damage your hair often.