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Evolution of Attitude: A Personal Journey of Changing Perspectives

by radiantodyssey 2024. 1. 14.

 - Describe your experience of changing your attitude.


1. Introduction
2. existing attitudes (including opinions, positions, arguments, etc.)
3. a changed instrument
4. Changed results (different things, feelings, etc.)
5. Lessons learned in the course of attitude change
6. Conclusion

1. Introduction

  It can be said that the right form of human relationships is very important because it has a profound impact on improving the quality of individual life as well as increasing the productivity of the organization. In order for humans to acquire the right form of human relations skills, sufficient training and practice are required to acquire relevant knowledge and skills. Among the various factors affecting human relationships, not all are important, but in particular, "attitude" has a great influence on building human relationships, so more efforts are needed. The training and practice of attitudes are evaluated very importantly, so attitudes can have a lot of influence on building the right human relationship.

  In general, people behave according to their attitudes to some extent, so if you change your attitude, your behavior will also change. Attitude change is often used when it is cumbersome to change behavior one by one, or when you want to make a permanent and widespread behavior change. School education and parental discipline convey knowledge, but much of it is interested in changing the child's attitude toward various problems.

  The reason why humans are so special is that only humans can look back on themselves. It is said that those who look back on themselves will have judgment about their lives. Therefore, in the main body, I would like to write about my existing attitude, the changed opportunities and results, and the lessons learned in the process of attitude change.


2. existing attitudes (including opinions, positions, arguments, etc.)

  Attitudes are more powerful than you think, but in many cases they are ignored. We blame others for what happens to us, complain about the problems we have now, feel ourselves victims, and fail to point out the problems of our attitudes in the process.

  My usual self was a negative person in everything. When he faced difficulties or hardships, he often complained first. And I wanted to express to people that I'm annoyed by this now. It's like a child asking me to know how I feel when I'm struggling like this.
  So I was envious of the optimistic and positive friends around me. I'm not doing it because I want to be annoyed, but it's hard because I'm annoyed and annoyed, but they don't lose their laughter.

  According to one study, the way people respond to a particular individual or event is greatly influenced by the individual's perspective. It is also said that certain individuals and events have little impact. If you have a negative attitude, there is a high probability that you are already negatively affecting your surroundings. After reading this article, I have thought of cultivating a positive mindset to confront negative thoughts and change my perspective differently.  
  Being positive and positive is said to be more influenced by the reflection or practice of the acquired attitude of life.

3. a changed instrument

  When I was in school, I was told by my school friends that I was on the negative side, so I knew it. Even before that, I was often scolded by my parents for complaining about everything. However, he did not think about changing his personality after replying that his personality originally looked like this. To put it exactly, I wanted to fix it, but I didn't know how.

  Then, as I was preparing to enter society after college, I thought that there would be no benefit for me to whine or be negative like a child in the past. So, I asked people around me and looked for things to try to change into a positive personality through the Internet. 
  And among them, there was an advice to write a diary. I thought it was a diary as I got older, but writing a diary has the effect of looking back and reflecting on myself, helping me design a better future.

  One study shows that self-reflection can be a way for effective learning and guidance in schools and workplaces. Self-reflection can also be used to help develop a positive attitude. Writing down feelings and thoughts helps you recognize your actions and reactions.

  At first, I had a hard time recording self-reflection because it felt strange or awkward. Still, even a small amount was consistently small, so the accumulated amount became quite large. As time passed and through practice, I noticed certain behavioral and emotional patterns in the contents I wrote. It was patterned that the causes that caused my irritation and dissatisfaction and how I reacted when I encountered them.  
  And as time passed, I read my past diaries and looked back on myself. Of course, it was quite embarrassing and embarrassing. Nevertheless, I had time to reflect on myself while searching through my past diaries from time to time, thinking that I had to face myself, not others, to grow up. And he began to change little by little on his own.

4. Changed results (different things, feelings, etc.)

1) Be honest with yourself.

  First, I tried to be a positive person, was conscious, and then I became honest with myself. Being honest with yourself means not making your own rationalization or excuses. It takes courage to maintain this attitude. Because you shouldn't run from the truth. This is because you have to face your life directly and be true to yourself.

  Positive people say they are not afraid to say they are wrong. Rather, they humbly accept their mistakes. It seems that such an effect appears. It is said that positive people extremely avoid blaming others for their mistakes and humbly accept that they are not always right, but this decision gave me confidence. This attitude made me stronger. This is because accepting one's mistakes is a process for me to be better in the future.

2) a change in one's attitude toward others

  Another big change is that when dealing with others, they began to look at the person's true self.

  Ordinary people treat themselves similar to how they treat themselves when dealing with others. The younger you are, the less experienced you have, so you often think that you are counterfeiting yourself, that others will like what you like, and that you will hate what you don't like.

  If a person accepts himself/herself, others can easily accept it. On the contrary, when a person does not accept himself or lacks self-love, he or she often passes on his or her inner conflicts to others. This is why we are searching for a constant target of criticism.
  To be positive, you first need to have a positive image of yourself. But that doesn't mean to be selfish. It's enough to just know your own worth.

  This is why a positive person can accept other people's values more easily. After trying to be positive, I realized that people other than me around me are comrades living with me in this era. I found out that everyone other than me is living in their own place and with their own purpose. They should never forget that solidarity can face the present with more confidence.

5. Lessons learned in the course of attitude change

  Attitude had greater power than expected. All I changed was the attitude of dealing with something and the logical structure of thinking a little bit. But the effect has made Nasr's mind healthy and changed my relationship with my surroundings positively. To be honest, I can't conclude that I haven't lived a lot of life yet, but it's true that at least I'm more energetic and optimistic in the present than I was in the past. And it's definitely a positive change because there's a lot more laughter than in the past.

  Since we cannot change the past, we must have a positive attitude toward the present and the future. Only then will I be able to enjoy my own emotional abundance in the future to come.
  Life does not always tell us only the news we want or expect. So sometimes I feel like everything is going bad and nothing is going well. But that's when we have to remember the old adage, "Don't think there's only half a cup of water, think it's half a cup."

  The negatives we cling to when things get bad are also reflected in how we speak and how we treat others. Maybe we're spending our time complaining about everything and everyone. Just as I have often uttered negative words in the past, but I am trying to turn them into positive words, I should make sure to think positively about the situation in everything.

  Whenever there is a problem or things do not go well, you should not be tied to the past or the present. What has already happened cannot be changed, which is why we need to think about a future that has yet to be decided. Rather than worrying too much about what has already happened, I will try to think about how to feel from now on.
  Often in life, small changes are seen as the first step toward recovery. In the future, I should be confident and enjoy this beautiful life where all good and bad things happen.


6. Conclusion

  Attitude is the most powerful force to change, make decisions, and change new directions. Through the right attitude, humans can discover happiness and maintain that happiness. This is because happiness comes from an internal factor, not an external factor. Thanks to the power of our attitudes, we break through our limits and are not overwhelmed by the given situation.

  No matter how serious the situation is, such as losing a job or going into debt, we can overcome it. Attitude is our lifeblood. Attitude is the most powerful force we can wield. Because it allows us to get out of unsatisfactory situations. This requires making your own decisions, changing them, and not relying on others.